Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Day of Shopping

     May 8, 2012 This morning we woke up early and Veruska's friend came to pick us up at around 9:30 am. We were heading out to La Mezia to go shopping today. I only ended up buying one thing which was a lizzard ring just like the one Veruska has that I loved. The other girls bought clothes and supplies that they needed to do manicures and pedicures. After we went around La Mezia we went to the mall so I could look around, but we ran out of time because one of the girls needed to get back early, so we only had time to eat lunch at McDonald's. I remember 6 years ago that when I tried the McDonald's it had a different flavor and I did not like it. Well things could have changed so I decided to try it again. The chesseburgers tasted the same just like at home, but the french fries were different. I definitely like the fries at home better, but I like the McFlurry's they make here better than the ones we have at home. When we were in the car Emanuela (Laura's sister) said that I took pretty good. I told her I don't feel like I do probably because I can tell when I say something wrong (the part of me that likes to be a perfectionist), but she says I speak well enough that people are able to understand me.
     After we arrived home we went to go pick up Karol's and Zia Rita's house and the three of us then headed to Catanzaro Lido to go look for a stand I wanted to buy for Zia Pupa. Here everyone hangs their clothes outside the windows and the line she has is to far away for her to reach out the window, and then the one in the back is to high. I wanted to buy her a stand to make it a little easier, so Veruska took me to go look for the one I saw in the add. We got to the store called Penny Market and they ended up not having any left. I am getting a little better going into stores and asking for the things I need or want. The only problem is when the person replies they speak to fast and then I feel like a retard because I have to say "what?" and make them repeat themselves, but I guess I am managing otherwise.
     Before we returned home Karol wanted to go play at a little park, so we stopped and let him jump on the trampoline and run around with the bumper cars. A friend of my cousins was selling yellow labs so we were able to go to the back and see the puppies. I wish I could take one home with me. They were so cute, and at one point both of the puppies were chewing on my hand at the same time. I have noticed that people have dogs here, but they don't really know how to handle them or interact with them the way we do in America. I was playing with the puppies and Karol was next to me trying to get their attention. He waved at them and said "sono qui!" (I am here). I started laughing because everytime we run into a dog they always want to play with me and they never pay any attention to him at all.

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