Thursday, May 17, 2012

Lazy Day

     May 15, 2012 When I woke up this morning my Zia Pupa gave my mom and I both a cute little bag. I was expecting to find candy, instead it was a ready rose that opens up and in it had a little white gold charm for a necklace that I have been looking for since we got here. It is a horn, and in Italy the horn is a symbol of good luck. I rememeber seeing my dad with one when I was younger and this time I decided I wanted to get one for myself, but my aunt found it before I did and it is perfect! I was so tired from our trip to Naples, and also because I have not stopped running around since we got here I decided I wanted to be lazy today. I got a late start to my day because after I woke up I immediately got on the computer and started writing my blogs. I am a week behind now and need to catch up. I also wanted to put all of my pictures on Facebook, so that I don't have to do it when I get home. While I was waiting for my mom to get ready Zio Leopoldo was playing with some Italian cards, so I asked him if he wanted to play Briscola or Scopa (Italian card games).
I had my mom take a picture because it is not that often he is around here, or will allow a picture to be taken.  We finally left the house around noon to go to the market and get some pasta to make lunch. We stopped by my Zio Nino's house to see if he wanted to go with us, but he was still in his pajamas. My cousin Nico had called to see if I wanted to go to the gym with him and I had to tell him no because I was so tired. He started giving me crap because I am always with my cousin Veruska. He told my aunt "I bet if Veruska calls she will go out." LOL
     Well Veruska did come by that night to say hello since I had just gotten back from Naples again. She wanted me to stay the night at her house again, so I ended up staying with her. Luckily we didn't do anything because I was exhausted. We just ate dinner and then I went to bed.

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